Women In Politic:s A Case Study of Pakistan

Women In Politic:s A Case Study of Pakistan

Author: Ms. Tehreem Fatima (Fellows; Batch 2023-2024; from Pakistan)

Ms. Fatima is a student at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan



Politics has for a long time been a field for men and women have been locked out for centuries. The debate on the fitness and ability of females to be worthy political leaders or opponents has been existent since time immemorial. A good number of administrations and governments have for a long time thought males to be the dominant parties in the political scene. Even during the colonial period, vey few females were considered heroes of nationalism. Although this paper does not seek to fully reveal the reasons behind the lack of sufficient women in politics and government, it analyses the challenges faced by women in politics today and furthermore answer two questions: how individual cultures affect women’s’ political race and secondly, how equality vs. difference arguments have pervaded debates over women’s suffrage and political representation.



The representation of women in governments has been quite poor and this is due to a number of challenges that they face as females in a male society. Factors such as culture and gender inequality are the major aspects that have greatly affected the political race of many female candidates. Inspite of these two factors, many women have been known to excel in various political fields and in fact scale unimaginable heights like the presidency.

How culture plays a role in women participation in politics?

The cultural factor has several subsets that fall under its faction and these include; religion, ethnicity, norms, beliefs and values. The shaping of societies in general is dependent on cultural and traditional factors, as well as economic and political systems. In America, society, culture and traditions play a major role. Culture predominantly influences women’s’ roles in the political arena, because of the emphasis placed on women’s status and acceptable behavior as dictated by society. No matter what form the political system takes, no matter what level of education women attain, no matter what traditional values govern employment, many American women still do not play major leadership roles in modern day economics because cultural factors have impeded their development.

Culturally women have been socialized to be submissive and not challenge status quo. Institutions are ideally supposed to empower women, build them enough to challenge this status. There is a need for cultural transformation where women are seen as weaker vessels and thus unable to lead. Women have proved that they are capable of partaking in decision-making. Women need the support of all citizens in order to take up political positions. Democratic institutions are institutions created for the purpose of strengthening democracy in a country. It is a legitimate way of national administration and practiced through a systemic structure of institutions and bodies which are established for specific purposes and functions. These institutions include; the Executive, the legislature and the Judiciary. These three bodies are normally referred to as the three arms of government. Other democratic bodies include the National Electoral Commission, the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice, the National Commission on Civic Education among others. If indeed the practice of democracy, through its various legitimate institutions would lead to the realization of respect for human rights and the rule of law, then women politicians have a duty to help fashion out formidable means to strengthen these institutions.

Empowering women politically helps countries develop democratic institutions so they can begin to successfully address issues related to security, jobs, human rights, physical well-being and human development. The various barriers that limit women’s political and civic engagement are access to positions of power and to economic resources, lack of government transparency, and pervasive and discriminatory gender stereotypes. Some of the ways to build women’s political participation include ,conducting ongoing communications trainings; building leadership skills; uniting women across political party lines, often in the form of women’s caucuses; reforming political parties internally so that women’s participation is a real priority; teaching women to train other women so that knowledge and skills are not lost; training elected women so that they are ready to deliver services back to constituents, increasing their chances of re-election; exchanging information internationally; and engaging youth to help change attitudes and behavior towards women.


Inequality and Difference

To establish gender equality, social and cultural perceptions of masculine and feminine traits and roles must be considered. In many societies boys are pushed into the activities thought to exhibit male traits and girls vice versa through the toys given to children i.e. trucks for boys, dolls for girls. The sort of discipline given out, the employment or career opportunities to which they might aspire and the portrayal of men and women in the media is all pre determined. Children gain knowledge of their gender from birth. They are trained how they should conduct themselves in order to be observed by others, and themselves, as either masculine or feminine. Right through their existence this is emphasized by parents, teachers, peers, their culture and society. These ideals and perceptions last right through adulthood and this is the cause of such scanty numbers of females in government and politics. The difference in aggression, personal ideals and maternal instinct are most probably the likely factors that disqualify women from many of these political battles. Women are perhaps not as aggressive as males are when it comes to politics probably because they see that they have more to loose than gain what with their families and “societal roles.” They often abstain from such squabbles because at the end of the day, it really does not accomplish anything.

Also unlike men, females are known to have solid principles and virtues that govern their lives. Not that men do not possess these qualities, but women would most of the time put their voters need before theirs, not to mention their families. The maternal instinct present in all women also makes them value and give significance to their voters. In the same way females care for their children, so do they care for their voters and constituents. Most female candidates would not like to see their constituents embroiled in conflicts or skirmishes that would harm them, their families and their property. Women have special virtues that make them unique and exceptional leaders of nations. Some argue that the interests of women will not necessarily be represented if women are not present in decision-making bodies. Women may be seen as bringing to politics their own perspectives, experiences, and expertise and are more likely than men to introduce legislation regarding education, health, child care, and violence against women. This is true with the discussion presented above regarding the differences between male and female candidates and supports the idea that women are worthy and able leaders.

Power and justice must go hand in hand because the former without the latter is tyranny while justice without power is inefficient. There are vast cases of gender discrimination in the political sector in Pakistan, this is attributed to the fact that many of the candidates are idealists and have interpreted societal stereotypes in a particular way. For women, access to political power is very limited and/or minimal enjoyment of the full benefits of leadership or individuality. Gender discrimination against women has inspired reformers to proactively advocate for democracy and empowerment of women in the country. The international community is also working in close collaboration with the reformers to help in the administration of justice and the equality of gender in all parts of the world. Consequently, Pakistan has made major progress in women’s education and empowerment.


A case study of Pakistan

Since Pakistan’s independence on 14 August 1947, women have been active participants in parliamentary politics. Their representation remained low in the first and second Constituent Assemblies, however the amendments to the Constitution of Pakistan paved way for their increased participation in the parliament. Besides, the progressive laws helped improve their participation in legislative and executive positions over the years. Since 2002, women politicians have notable representation in the federal as well as provincial assemblies.

Women as equal citizen of Pakistan are free to contest general elections and to be elected to any public office at the national, provincial and local levels without any discrimination. They have a liberty to exercise their right to vote in all elections, general or by-polls, which they could since independence and were reprised in the 1956 constitution. They can run for elections directly as well as through women’s reserved quota. There is no legal compulsion on women to hold any highest public office. Pakistan has hosted women as the Prime Minister, Federal Minister, Speaker of the National Assembly, and the Leader of the Opposition, etc.The successive governments in Pakistan, and the parliamentarians have contributed to ensure women’s significant representation in the legislative bodies. For this, the government undertook affirmative measures through introducing several provisions in the Constitution and laws of Pakistan. For instance, the Constitution of Pakistan of 1956 reserved 10 seats for women In the unicameral Parliament with five seats each from East and West Pakistan.The Constitution of Pakistan of 1962 reserved six seats for women in the National Assembly with three seats each from East and West Pakistan.

The Constitution of the Pakistan of 1973 reserved 10 seats for women for a period of ten years from the commencing day of the Constitution or holding of the third general elections to the National Assembly, whichever occurred later. In 1985, ten (10) seats were increased to twenty (20) whereas, the reserved seats for women were increased to sixty (60) in 2002 during the era of General Pervaiz Musharraf.


Performance of Women in Parliament

Women parliamentarians have demonstrated strong presence in the legislative bodies. The data relating to legislative business of both the National Assembly and the Senate show that from 2016–2017, percentage of women legislators’ contribution to parliamentary business was remarkably high in the Lower House where nearly two thirds (62%) business was originated by women individually and 3% in collaboration with their male colleagues. In the Upper House, women sponsored 13% parliamentary business individually and 2% jointly with their male counterparts. The current level of women’s representation in the national and provincial legislatures of Pakistan is amongst the top in the region.With 20 percent representation in each house of the Parliament, women parliamentarians contributed 33 percent of parliamentary business (2018–19). Women Parliamentarians moved 39 out of 74 private members’ bills, 27 out of 100 resolutions, 51 out of 108 Calling Attention Notices, and 561 out of 1772 questions in both Houses of the Parliament in an attempt to improve livelihood of the masses.

Women parliamentarians continue to face numerous obstacles including the prevalent socio-cultural taboos in the society and the high costs of running successful election campaigns that restrict women to contest elections and dominance of familial linkages in awarding party tickets to women. The women legislators elected through indirect mode of election undermine their credibility and effectiveness as politicians. They are largely ignored in decision-making process within their political parties and during the proceedings of the legislative assemblies for lack of their own electorate or constituency like the male counterparts.

The women politicians elected on reserved seats have to face hurdles in their effective and substantive participation in legislative assemblies for lack of experience of canvassing, and lack of understanding of issues, legislation or policies which result in their exclusion from powerful political domains, such as standing committees of legislative bodies and decision-making process within political parties.


Challenges to women in politics

In Pakistan, women’s quotas have enlarged the component of women’s status in post 9/11 Political developments. This change is visible as the political power has passed from fathers To daughters instead of sons only. The significance of this study stems from the fact that women’s political presence is influenced by domestic vis-à-vis global trends. The political uplift Of women lacks an economic base and seems non- indigenous. Women are tolerated as long As they do not challenge their male colleagues- so while they are in parliament, they have little power to achieve change. This research intends to highlight that the engenderment of the political system of Pakistan lacks a socio-political base, and therefore need to be indigenously developed. The numerical strength of women in legislation is not an indicator of quality but their impact and effectiveness makes a difference. The status of women in Pakistan is heterogeneous owing to uneven socioeconomic development in the rural and urban region. Generally, women’s situation vis-à-vis men is of systematic Subordination. Men and women’s activities are divided into outside and inside home.

Therefore, women’s mobility is restricted and controlled. Men are given better education to compete for resources outside the home. This situation has led to dependency of women and becomes the basis for male power in social, economic and political spheres. Women do not have a role in the formulation of economic and social policies. Their exclusion from decision-making bodies does not provide them any opportunity to raise their concern or to promote their participation in politics. Governance systems in Pakistan are male dominated. It is imperative for women to claim their share of power to make decisions for political empowerment. The constitution of Pakistan places no restrictions on women’s participation in politics; nevertheless their presence in the political parties as well as in the political structure at the local, Provincial and national level remains insignificant due to cultural and structural barriers. The General elections of 2002 saw an unprecedented increase in the number of reserved seats for women in the parliament of Pakistan. There is a need to assess the impact of increased Representation of women in the parliament and evaluate the female legislature’s performance to Derive lessons for the future.


What next?

Reform is urgently needed in both educational and political sectors to provide greater equality for women of all ages, cultures and ethnicities. Previous trends of females in political development indicate an ever expanding access of power by women to where they may outnumber men. However, gender segregation and inferiorities in curriculum differentiation is still experienced. There should be more awareness campaigns for women to be informed on the importance of pursuing political power to a higher level and diversification of leadership positions. After all “if you empower a woman, you empower a nation”.

The women now more than ever are willing to take the risk and empower themselves. Sooner than later women from all parts of the world will catch up with other countries that have overcome gender discrimination. Studies show that women are becoming more visible in the social, political and economic scenes due to the current interest in multiculturalism and global awareness.



Women in politics frequently endure derogatory comments, harassment, and even threats, resulting in anxiety and fear that can deter them from active political engagement. While, economically women in Pakistan’s politics often struggle due to limited access to resources and funding. Running for office and maintaining a political career can be financially demanding, and many women lack the financial means to compete effectively. Traditional gender roles and societal norms often place economic restrictions on women, making it difficult for them to access campaign resources, hire staff, or travel for political activities. This economic disadvantage hampers their ability to build a strong political presence and may limit their career prospects. However, to address these psychological and economic issues, Pakistan must implement policies and programs that empower women in politics. This study examines the challenges face by women psychologically and economically in Pakistan’s politics and suggests suitable measures to strengthen the role of women in politics.