Statistics on Women in Politics: Political Parties

Statistics on Women in Politics: Political Parties

Source: Statistik Politik 2021 BPS, Katadata


Statistics on Women in Politics: Political Parties

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) based on a 2020 survey, the province of East Nusa Tenggara was recorded as the province with the highest representation of women in politics in Indonesia. BPS noted that the percentage of women in political parties in the province reached 58.82%.
The BPS data also shows that the majority of provinces in Indonesia (27 out of 34) have fulfilled the requirements for women's representation in political parties above 30% as mandated by law. Indonesia's national average figure also meets the 30% requirement, namely at the level of 33.51%.

However, there are still 7 provinces that have not reached the 30% requirement for women's representation in political parties, namely Gorontalo (29.85%), Riau (29.8%), Bangka Belitung Islands (29.8%), Central Sulawesi (28.03%), North Sumatra (25.84%), Aceh (24.85%), and Riau Islands (22.27%).