Statistics on Women in Politics: Sub Index of Indonesian Political Women's Empowerment Compared to Other Countries

Statistics on Women in Politics: Sub Index of Indonesian Political Women's Empowerment Compared to Other Countries

Source: World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2022

*Russia used 2021 number, as they were not included in the 2022 survey.


Statistics on Women in Politics: Sub Index of Women's Empowerment in Politics

Continuing the discussion of gender gap statistics from the 2022 Global Gender Gap Report published by the World Economic Forum (related page), the gender gap index has several sub-indices that make up the "global gender gap index". Among these sub-indices, there is the "political empowerment" sub-index. This sub-index measures the gap between men and women at the highest decision-making level in the political realm. The components of this sub-index contain the ratio of women to men in ministerial and parliamentary positions, as well as the number of years a country has been led by women at the executive level (prime minister or president).

The interpretation of this sub-index is similar to the main index, namely that the higher a country's score, the more equal the position between genders in that country is in terms of political empowerment.

Based on the "political empowerment" sub-index score, Indonesia received a score of 0.169, placing it in 90th place out of 146 countries surveyed. This ranking places Indonesia in 4th position out of 11 ASEAN countries, and in 13th position out of 19 G20 countries. In general, Indonesia's position in this sub-index is relatively better than the main index (global gender gap index), and is still better than several developed countries in the world, including Japan and China.