Regulations on Women's Representation in Political Parties

Regulations on Women's Representation in Political Parties

The regulatory mandate regarding women's representation is contained in Law (UU) no. 2 of 2008 concerning Political Parties. In article 2 paragraph (2) of the law, political parties are required to include 30% representation of women in the establishment and formation of parties. Apart from that, the same women's representation quota also applies to party management at the central level (article 2 paragraph 5), and at the provincial to district/city levels (article 20).

Apart from that, in other laws, namely Law no. 10 of 2008 concerning the Election of Members of the DPR, DPD and DPRD, new political parties can become election participants if they have met the requirements of at least 30% representation of women in management at the central level (article 8 paragraph 1). The requirement of 30% female representation also applies to the formation of prospective candidates at the national parliament (DPR), provincial-level parliament (DPRD Provinsi) and district/city level parliament (DPRD Kota) who will run from each party (article 53).

To ensure women's representation is fulfilled, the law's mandate is not only directed at political parties, but also at the KPU. The KPU is obliged to verify the fulfillment of the requirements for women's representation (article 57), and announce the percentage of women's representation in the list of candidates, both temporary and permanent candidates (article 61 paragraph 6 and article 66 paragraph 2).



Law No. 2 of 2008 (download ),

Law No. 10 of 2008 (download )