Statistics on Women in Politics: Proportion of Women Who Hold the Position of Village Heads

Statistics on Women in Politics: Proportion of Women Who Hold the Position of Village Heads

Source: BPS 2021 Political Statistics


Statistics on Women in Politics: Proportion of Women Who Hold the Position of Village Head

Based on data from the Central Statistics Bureau (BPS) based on a 2018 survey, the national average for the percentage of women occupying Village Head positions is still relatively very low, namely only 4.31 percent of all Village Head positions.

North Sulawesi has the highest percentage of female Village Heads, namely 16.58 percent, which means that of the 1,327 villages in North Sulawesi, 220 villages are led by women. The second largest is Gorontalo, namely of the 607 villages in Gorontalo, 13.18 percent or 80 villages are led by women.

Meanwhile, the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam has the lowest percentage of female village heads among all provinces, with the number of female village heads only 0.55% of all village head positions in the province.


Source: BPS 2021 Political Statistics


Meanwhile, for the percentage of female village heads, Yogyakarta is recorded as having the highest percentage of female village heads, namely 40.48 percent. Meanwhile, North Sulawesi is in second place with a percentage of female village heads of 36.97 percent. This is interesting because the province also records the highest percentage of female village heads. This indicates that in general, North Sulawesi province is the province that has the relatively best record of women's representation in regional heads at the sub-district/village level.

Jakarta is in seventh position with a percentage of female village heads of 21.72 percent.