Statistics on Women in Politics: Parliament

Statistics on Women in Politics: Parliament

Source: BPS


Statistics on Women in Politics: Parliament


Based on data from the Central Statistics Bureau (BPS), which is based on election results data in the year concerned, it is recorded that in the Indonesian parliaments, both at the national(DPR) and regional (DPRD) levels, the percentage of seats occupied by female legislative members is still relatively small. At the DPR RI level, although there has been a relative increase from year to year, namely from 8.8% in the 1999 election to just over 20% in 2019, this percentage is still much smaller than the share of the female population in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, in the regional parliament (DPRD), the percentage of seats occupied by female legislative representatives is relatively higher compared to the national parliament (DPR). The latest number in the 2019 regional elections was that 30.88% of DPRD seats were occupied by female legislative representatives.