Open Letter to Global Leaders on the Impact of War on Women and Children

Open Letter to Global Leaders on the Impact of War on Women and Children


Open Letter to Global Leaders on the Impact of War on Women and Children


Jakarta, June 27th, 2024



  1. President of the United States of America, H.E. Joseph Biden
  2. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, H.E. Rishi Sunak
  3. President of the Republic of France, H.E. Emmanuel Macron
  4. Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, H.E. Giorgia Meloni
  5. President of Russia, H. E. Vladimir Putin 
  6. President of the People's Republic of China, H.E. Xi Jinping
  7. Secretary-General of United Nations, H.E. António Guterres
  8. Prime Minister of Canada, H.E. Justin Trudeau
  9. President of the European Union, H.E. Charles Michel
  10. President of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Joko Widodo
  11. President of the Republic of Türkiye, H.E.Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
  12. Sovereign of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, H.E. King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
  13. President of the Republic of Mexico, H.E. Andrés Manuel López Obrador 
  14. President of the Republic of South Africa, H.E. Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa   


Dear Esteemed Leaders,

I write to you as a global citizen deeply concerned about the pressing issues, as a voice among millions who yearn for peace and stability in a world that seems increasingly fragmented by conflict. I am compelled to address the dual crises that confront humanity: the relentless march of climate change and the devastating impact of war, particularly on the most vulnerable among us—women and children.

The images of war-torn communities are heart-wrenching, and the stories of suffering are profound. During the Russo-Ukrainian war (2014-2021), 3,106 civilian deaths were recorded, including 1,072 women and 152 children (OHCHR, 2022). In the most recent Israeli genocide in Gaza, among 24,686 bodies that were able to be identified, 70% of the dead are women and children under 18 (Palestinian Health Ministry, May 2024). Time and time again, women and children always bear the brunt of conflict, often finding themselves on the frontlines of survival, facing threats to their safety, well-being, and future. The disruption of families, the loss of education for children, and the heightened risk of violence against women are but a few of the dire consequences that extend far beyond the battlefield.

While the world rightly rallies to address climate change, a threat that knows no borders, we must also awaken to the immediate human cost of war. The environmental crisis cannot be divorced from the humanitarian one; they are interconnected challenges that demand a holistic and compassionate response.

We urge you, as leaders with the power to influence the global agenda, to take an active role in championing peace and security. By adopting the latest UN Resolution No. 2735 and implementing the three-phase proposal as outlined by President Biden. Specifically, your voices as global leaders can advocate for the protection of women and children, ensuring that they are not forgotten casualties of conflict but rather the focus of our collective efforts to build a more just and peaceful world.

Your influence and commitment have the power to change the course of history. We implore you to actively engage in diplomatic efforts, to foster dialogue over discord, and to prioritize the well-being of humanity above all else. Let us redirect the resources spent on warfare to initiatives that nurture our communities, bolster our economies, and protect our environment.

Invest in peace as fervently as we do in the fight against climate change. Let us harness the same spirit of innovation and cooperation to end wars that shatter lives and futures. Redirect the immense resources spent on armed conflict towards creating safe havens, supporting education, and empowering women and children to be architects of their destiny.

In this pivotal moment, we look to you to lead with empathy and courage. To not only worry about the impending threats of climate change but to also actively take a stand against the devastation wrought by war. Your actions can inspire a movement towards peace and set a precedent for future generations to follow.

We trust in your ability to rise to this occasion and to guide us towards a future where peace and sustainability are not just ideals, but realities we live by. The eyes of the world, and the hopes of its children, are upon you.


With hope and respect,

Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf

President, Nuraa Women’s Institute

Women Political Leaders (WPL) Global Ambassador for SDGs

President, Geneva Council for International Affairs and Development