Nuraa Women's Institute Held International Conference on Women in Action for SDGs 2030

Nuraa Women's Institute Held International Conference on Women in Action for SDGs 2030


On Friday, September 6th, 2024 Nuraa Women's Institute held "International Conference on Women in Action for SDGs 2030: Reducing Inequalities, Enhancing Health and Well Being, and Combating Climate Change". This conference is a side event to Indonesia Sustainability Forum (ISF) held by the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment Affairs. The conference was full of intriguing discussion, brainstorming of ideas, and productive networking.

Thank you for the participants who have attended and participated in the conference.

Special thanks goes to the speakers and moderators, as they succeeded in bringing about interesting and thought-provoking ideas and perspective about women issues especially related to SDGs 2030.

We also thank Bank MandiriLembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) and Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) as ponsors for their support, without whom this conference would not be the same.

Photos of the conference can be seen in the gallery. 

See you in the next conference!